Accountable for all SFAC programs including: Public Art, Community Investments (grants), Galleries & Public Programs, Civic Design Review, Racial Equity and Community Engagement. 
Supervised 30+ person team, directly supervised six reports including program directors and the director of racial equity and community engagement.

💵 Distributed $17 million in grants, including funds held over from prior years and over $2 million in Dream Keeper Initiative funds focused on artists and organizations serving Black communities, a partnership with the Human Rights Commission

⛩️Supported greater representation of San Francisco’s diverse communities in the public realm through the lifecycle of  monuments, public art and civic design projects

✊🏾Restored SFAC division delegates for racial equity action planning, and reviving the annual internal racial equity climate survey outlined in SFAC’s first racial equity action plan

🚦Secured approval for SFAC’s 5-year Community Services Allocation Plan, as mandated by the voter-approved Arts Impact Endowment

🧐 Increased transparency and visibility of the impact of public art and civic art collection programs by including demographic data and combining impact into one comprehensive, annual public report to the Arts Commissioners

🏳️‍🌈Worked with elected leaders and GLBT Historical Society to advance a permanent LGBTQ+ history museum and archive.
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